As a User, I can search items on the home page using the search bar
Create a component the implements the search bar design with a text input and a "search" button
Consuming components should be able to pass in an "onSearch" prop that is a function.
Clicking the "search" button, or pressing enter while typing into the search bar will run the "onSearch" handler with the text from the search input in the first parameter position.
If the search yeilds no results, the user should see a message that informs them there are no results for the search query.
As a User, clearing the search bar will reset my search
Requery all items when the user resets the search.
Pressing escape while focused on the search input should clear the input.
Pressing the "x" button next to teh search input should clear the input.
As a User, If there are no results for my search, I should see a message letting me know there are no results.
Just show some dialog letting the user know there are no results so the page is not empty.
As a User, I can page through items
The user can change pages to the first, last, next and previous page by clicking the corresponding buttons
If the user is on the first page, the "previous" and "first" buttons should be disabled
If the user is on the last page, the "next" and "last" buttons should be disabled
Changing pages should rerun the query to load the items for the appropriate page
Changing the pages should scroll the user to the top of the page.