Phase 2 - Display Items

  1. As a User, I should see a list of items on the "home" page. This should look similar to what is in the prototype.

    • Load data from the "/item/list" route.
    • Create a component to display the item data. This should include PropTypes for prop type checking. It should look something like the cards on the home page of the prototype
    • Create a container component to display a list of item components. This component should be used contain and render the Item cards
    • Create a component that renders the rating stars and count.
    • Extra Challenge: Make cards in the same row always be equal height
    • Extra Challenge: Align "Add to Cart" Button to the bottom of the card, so all "add to cart" buttons in the row will align.
    • Extra Challenge: Make the card list responsive for smaller screens. Reduce the number of cards displayed per row from three to two or one depending on the small screen size.
  2. As a User, I should see a list of only on sale items on the "deals" page

    • This page should look and act similar to the home page, but only show items that are on sale. We don't need the search bar on this page
    • If there are no on sale items, the user should see a message stating there are no on sale items at this time.
  1. As a User, clicking on the item's title or "add to cart" button will bring me to the Item's product page
    • Create a new React Page and route at "/item/:itemId" where :itemId holds the unique id of the item. This only needs to display the item's id at this point as we will add the data in the next phase