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A very common reason is a wrong site baseUrl configuration.

Current configured baseUrl = / (default value)

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What is this?#

In a gist, these guided projects are meant for you to go out and build your own app with your own code, but with a professional there to help guide you. This is not a tutorial! You will not be coding along to videos, text books, or blog posts. You will instead be making your own project from scratch, with your very own code that you wrote yourself.

So what's the point?

Doing is the best way to learn, there is no way around that. You can watch tutorials all day and still never truly learn until you implement the teachings in the tutorial yourself. Think about homework in school; if you just cheat off of little jimmy's algebra homework the whole semester, are you really going to understand algebra yourself? Probably not.

The goal of guided projects is to put you in a work-like environment. In each phase, you will be given a set of tasks or user stories to go and create in your code. A user story could sound something like "As a user, I should be able to search the store catelog". This is exactly how software development teams define and and plan out work to do.

Once you finish all of the tasks in your phase, you will submit your code for review from your mentor. Your mentor will check over the code from your phase, and provide you with feedback. Maybe your styling needs work, maybe there is some bugs, or mayber there are some general algorimic improvements that you can make. Either way, they will let you know and try to teach you what is right and why! Your job will then be to fix all of the issues, and resubmit your code to review. Once everything looks good you will can move on to the next phase.

Join Discord#

We have a Discord community where we operate. Come join!